Home / Gout Solution Reviews / The End of Gout Review Blue Heron Health News Shelly Manning

The End of Gout Review Blue Heron Health News Shelly Manning

The End of Gout is a guide from Blue Heron Health News’ Shelly Manning that helps consumers to eliminate the pain and frustration of the disease, Gout. “In fact, for 90% of gout sufferers, scientists say it isn’t over-production of uric acid that is the problem. It’s the under-processing of it.” This 7-day plan by Shelly Manning, an accomplished writer and natural health researcher, began her work on natural health remedies after suffering years of her excruciating arthritis.

gaut uric acid

Found only on  BlueHeronHealthNews.com, The End of Gout by Shelly Manning is Blue Heron Health News health guide based on Michael Walker’s story that can help individuals start living a pain-free life again.

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1/ What is The End of Gout?

Gout is characterized by the painful inflammation that happens in the joints as uric acid begins to crystallize. Individuals end up going through severe discomfort, pain, and more in their body, though it is particular to the big toe in some attacks. Typically, doctors will urge sufferers to take on different medications, diet, exercise, and less alcohol in their routine to help. However, Shelly Manning suggests that there could be other ways of treating this painful disease, taking on what causes gout instead of just treating it,  at The End of Gout.

The End of Gout has seemingly helped consumers to end the excruciating pain and flareups of gout after participating in his program. Addressing the “real causes of gout,” Shelly states that gout comes from the body, not eliminating all of the uric acids from the blood. Inherently, this means that the body was not processing the uric acid correctly, instead of over-producing it, uric acid comes from the liver as waste. It then goes through to the kidneys where it should then be removed. Uric acid is the result of the byproducts and the processing of certain foods that consumers eat; doctors try to push consumers to eat less of the foods that produce it (i.e., red meat, alcohol, processed foods, etc.).

While diet changes and medications can help the body to dissolve and rid the uric acid, these treatments don’t address why the body is now struggling with the processing of uric acid. Without discovering what the cause of the problem is, the uric acid continues to build up and, when not eliminated, settles into the joints instead, leaving consumers with merely the hope of eliminating the pain. At The End of Gout,  Shelly breaks down what users need to do  to correct their body instead of soothing it – regulating the gut.

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria, which makes up the microbiome. The microbiome is essential to processing foods that consumers eat, but the wrong balance of toxic and unhealthy bacteria in the gut ends up leading to diseases and discomfort. While many healthy foods can help slightly, there are too many “health foods” that are bad for the gut. With this damage, the body is not able to work like it should, keeping it from absorbing all nutrients, which means that byproducts like uric acid can’t be processed correctly. The websites state,

uric acid gout

“Because that bacteria are converting up to one-third of that excess uric acid into something called allantoin – a substance that dissolves in water -”

“Which means up to a third of my body’s uric acid can be simply got rid of in urine, No need for my kidneys to process it all. My gut bacteria has it covered.”

“Human bodies can’t turn uric acid into allantoin. But our friendly gut bacteria can.”

“And when it does that for me… it’s clearing up the excess uric acid in my bloodstream.”

“So those pin-like uric acid crystals don’t form.”

“Which means they don’t find themselves lodged in my joints.”

“Meaning there’s nothing for my immune system to attack – so nothing to cause excruciating, disabling pain.”

By leaving gout untreated, the body can easily succumb to other conditions, because it is more at risk for damage. Heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes are just a few ways that it can set off a chain for events in the body that become even more damaging.  The End of Gout helps consumers to stop the issues in the gut, aiming to target the way that uric acid is processed ultimately “by making conscious choices about eating for gut health.”

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2/ The End Of Gout FAQ’sHow long will users need to stay on the program to see results?

The 7-day plan was created Shelly giving users two simple quick-starts: Eat more of these and Eat fewer of these, This program is not considered a weight-loss plan, and no calorie counting or portion control involved. Users can stay on the program if so choosing after the first seven days have ended.

What Causes Gout?

The wrong balance of toxic and unhealthy bacteria in the gut and uric acid then builds up and, when not eliminated, settles into the joints, leaving consumers with inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Does The End of Gout involve dieting?

No, the user states, “he lost weight without trying on the program, and “This isn’t a weight-loss plan. So there isn’t any calorie counting or portion control. I was never hungry. As a side note, I have now lost weight because of the plan – but that’s more to do with the fact that a healthy gut means fewer or no food cravings. Remember – it’s bad bacteria that craves the food – not you. When they’re gone, they take their cravings with them.”

Does The End of Gout come with a money-back guarantee?

Yes! Shelly offers consumers a money-back guarantee, and if, any time within 60 days of purchase of ‘The End of Gout,’ your gout hasn’t completely cured, she will give you your money back. Simple as that.

what is gout in the foot

Gaining Access to The End Of Gout

The End of Gout is published through Blue Heron Health News, which offers a digital version for $49. Once the user inputs their debit or credit card information, they can read the content instantly. While there may be ingredients to purchase and routines to follow, these costs are not included in the order.

To contact the company, consumers can find helpful information and product support at,  https://blueheronhealthnews.com/site/contact-us/

3/ Summary

The End of Gout doesn’t offer consumers weight loss solutions or push medications but takes consumers through an eating plan that will correct their gut health. It won’t leave consumers hungry, but it will unravel the mystery of the cause of gout instead of just delaying symptoms. Since the program only takes a week, consumers may be curious about how the regimen can work so quickly. If the user hasn’t ended their gout by the end of that week, they can either repeat the process, or they can reach out to the customer service team to get a refund within the first two months after their purchase.

For those interested,  click here to Watch and Read Blue Heron Health News’ End of Gout guide by Shelly Manning today.

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