1/ What Is In The Shingles Solution?
For all its power, Shingles Solution is a simple plan delivered in 2 straightforward phases over just 4 weeks. Each phase comes with a daily instruction sheet. With it, you can easily know what to do and when to do it. No guesswork. Just do it and feel the change. The first 7 days are a little stricter than the rest of the plan
There are several strands to Julissa’s The Shingles Solution. One of them is, of course, nutrition. Specific foods prevent illness, repair the body’s varied structures, and ensure that internal processes run properly to keep us fit and alive. Other foods cause illness, damage the body, and prevent those internal processes from keeping us in the best possible shape. The product will grant you all the knowledge you need as regards this topic.
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The book is divided into six sections
- Using the Book
- Introductory Part
- The Body’s Method of Healing
- Using Nature To Heal
- Conquering Shingles in 21 Days
- Appendices
Using The Book
This part will give you insights into how to use the book. It summarizes what you are to face in the book. With this insight, you can easily navigate through the book to the places you will like to read. Although some people find it easier to read the book chronologically, you can easily follow any of the topics and get the right message in no time, even when you come back to the other parts.
Introductory Part
This part was further divided into different parts, many of which you will encounter as we go right now:
- Introduction: The writer begins here to introduce you to the concept of disease and how serious
- Info on Virus and ‘Micro-Verse’: This is where the writer gives you insight into how Shingle is being caused by a virus. It explores different views and results that help in highlighting this insight.
- Shingles Explanation: This part will give you a lot of information as regards the manifestation. This part will give you detailed information as regards the virus causing the problem initially.
It will surely surprise you with the incredible fact that a vast majority of humans have the chances of contracting this virus due to exposure to chickenpox at one time or the other.
It then further breaks down the information about the rate of people that are likely to suffer it in recent times.
Going further, the author explained what the virus tends to affect and why humans are prone to easily fall to its problem. You are also helped in understanding that reactivation of the dormant virus in the blood. You will be further educated on the different stages of the virus’ progress, and they are:
- Pre-eruptive Stage: Here, you will get to understand the symptoms you might experience when you try to use this method.
- Acute Eruptive Stage: This part will give you insight into the time, symptoms, and the bacteria involved in this disruptive process
- Chronic Infection Stage: The time for this is longer and might even exceed the regular time for a painful experience.
It didn’t stop there but went further to breakdown details of this virus including how it operates in the body. To help elucidate further, the author gives details of the following:
2/ Symptoms Of Shingles
It reveals the different ways you can easily identify this problem including:
- Rash: You will be given more information about these symptoms including the time you will start seeing its effect.
- Nerve Inflammation: You will also be shown the various types of nerve inflammation you can ever encounter.
- Pain: Like many other problems, the pain will be definitely present. You will, however, be helped to understand the location of this pain.
- Others: There are so many other you can easily identify with if you have shingle.
Herpes Zoster Complications
Also, you will be pointed towards the different complications and the protocol in the other part of the book. Then, it went on to the explanation about post-herpetic neuralgia, where you will be helped to understand that this problem increases with age. You will be taken through the understanding of the positive things that comes out of the COX-2 inhibition.
There are several other things you will be engaged in like:
- Chronic Infection: You will be helped to understand to navigate through the pain.
- Disseminated or Systemic Varicella-Zoster Infections: This aspect will also reveal the symptoms of the infection. You will realise that some of the symptoms are bone mineral loss, tooth loss, cavities etc.
- Severe Nerve Damage & Paralysis: Another thing you will be told all about how this problem can bring a bad effect to your nerves. The protocol prescribed will give you all the necessary ways to fight it.
- Cancer or Other Chronic Diseases: One other information you will glean from this book is that of how Shingles can be a cause of cancer, particularly of the lymphatic system.
- Others: You will be given more details on so many other problems like the Herpes-Zoster Ophthalmicus, Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome, Severe Brain Inflammation (Menioencephalitis) as well as others.
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Diagnosing It: You will be given directions on how to use the following tools to diagnose this Varicella-Zoster Virus as well as other Viral Herpes strains. Some of the tools are polymerase chain reaction testing and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELIZA).
- The Bright Side: This little part helps you see some positivity in contracting the disease.
- What You Should Know About the Cure: Afterwards, you will be shown facts about the cure and certain things that must be done to ensure the cure comes to manifestation
- The Body’s Method of Healing: This next part will explain how our body has been programmed by nature into our body system in such a way that it can automatically fight the disease without a need to worry.
- How The Body Protects Itself: This shows us different ways the body fights off the situation and we can help it to do this work faster. The emphasis, however, is placed on the different ways the body fight against such cases as shingles. The author created this part to help you arm yourself with the right knowledge.
- The Different Types of Immunity: Here, you will be exposed to the various available immunities including:
Cytokine and other immune Cell Signals: This is an action carried out by white blood and ordinary cells, where they respond to danger.
Nitric Oxide: This part shows you how the cells use this gas to defend the body against harms.
Natural Killer Cells: You will be shown how this particular cell works like a military force, eliminating viruses.
Dendritic Cells: They are also called antigen-presenting cells because they act as a scanner for the body. You will be shown they make other antibodies act in support.
Macrophages: This particular aspect will reveal how these cells help in scanning the body and destroying them. You will be shown how they are known for:
- Maintaining stem cell viability and bone marrow health
- Aiding in brain regeneration and development
- Supporting lung health
- Promoting fat burning
- Mediating the formation of scar tissue
- Regulating other immune responses
- Lowering inflammation and damage
– Autophagy: This is another body of the mitochondria that plays a huge role in our innate immunity. You can think of autophagy as every cell’s way of taking out the trash, including faulty cell components. The process involves the generation of a membrane or envelops that swallows the parts of the cell that are faulty, essentially recycling the base building blocks and forming a major part of cellular repair. You will be shown more than enough information as regards this in the book.
– Sirtuin Proteins: Sirtuins are a group of proteins that regulate DNA repair, faulty or viral gene inhibition and mitochondrial function. Out of the seven of these proteins, SIRT1 is exactly the one we need to activate the AMPK pathway and keep the mitochondria stable. The details are such that you can easily understand without the aid of a second party for an explanation.
– Others: Some of the others you will get informed about are:
- Mitochondria
- Cell Death
- Victory With the AMPK
3/ Factors That Suppresses Immune System
This part explicitly gives you insights into how immunity is suppressed. They are:
Diet: You will be shown the types of foods that can suppress the capability of your immune system. Some of these are food high in Arginine, all-round nutritional deficiency, calcium overload and deficiency, sugar. And so many things that can easily give your body less ability to ward off any attack from such problem as Shingle.
The several food types were carefully discussed and shown to you to enable you to eat right and make decisions that won’t expose you to this problem. Some other food types discussed are salt, refined foods, Inflammatory lectins and many others.
Lifestyle: The next important suppressant is the things you do and take. Many of these habits are such that can easily make you vulnerable to attacks. Some of these are medications, therapies, usage of caffeinated product especially alcohol, and even the act of smoking. Others include substance abuse, sedentary living, sleep and circadian rhythm.
Environment: The next thing likely to suppress your immunity is the way you treat your body. Some of the things discussed here are stress, exposure to radiations, pollution, sunlight and so many others.
Using Other Natural Treatment : This part emphasizes how we can easily use the things that are natural to us for the right treatment or prevention of Shingles. Here, the major focus will be as a solution to everything that has been detailed in the previous aspect of this book. The big deal this time is that you can easily recreate the solution on your own. Below are some of the advised solutions:
4/ Food
- Varicella-Fighting Nutrients: The solution given here are all about the usage of products to prevent herpes viral replication or serve as potent regulators of mitochondrial function. Some of these are Amino Acids- L-leucine, L-lysine supplement etc.; Trace Mineral- selenium, zinc etc.; Vitamins- Vitamin A, Vitamin C; Phytochemicals- berberine, curcumin etc.
- Probiotics: This is where you will have to consider treating the guts because all the diseases are connected to some form of microbial dysbiosis in the gut. Thus, there is a need for the introduction of food that will aid your fight. The book has been created to ensure you get all the best result, which will in turn help you prevent or fight off these problems. Some recommended food types are milk, Lacto-fermented vegetables etc. All these were fully discussed.
- Foods with Specific Anti-Shingles Properties: You will also get educated about foods and substances that can easily enhance your immune function. Some of these food types are mulberry leaf extracts, mineral pitch. All these will be duly discussed. There, you will understand why you need to use these and how to ensure they work for you. They are more than can be highlighted here.
- Teas, Herbs & Spices: These are so many and all got discussed to enable you to get great health. You will definitely love them. Some of them are clove, liquorice, lavender, green tea, milk thistle. In this book, you will get the information you need as regards them.
- Dietary Fats & Cooking Oils: You will be taught how you can easily use their power to produce the right amount of balance for the protection of your body. Some of the recommended one, which was discussed, are fish oil and omega fatty acids.
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5/ Mindfulness, Deep Breathing, and the Managing Pain
You will understand how to use certain methods to manage your pain. Some of these methods are:
- Deep Breathes: You will be shown how to effectively use your breathe to maintain an unexplainable balance in your body.
- Movement: You will be shown methods that go beyond regular movement in a bid to give you the best way to handle so many shingle related issues. You will get more than enough explanations and types for your solutions you need.
- Anti-Shingles Lifestyle Internally: You will be taken through the following interventions to help boost your health and vitality.
Anti-Shingles Benefits
- Fasting: You will get details about how you must restrict your calories for the best result.
- Sleep: You will also be taken through the process of getting the sleep that will definitely redefine your how your body gets a good result.
- Spending Time Outdoors: Another noted here is how you can spend a lot of time out of the house to gain the right result.
6/ Conquering Shingles in 28 Days
Here, you will be taken through steps to cure your shingles. The phases have been divided into different phases just for you to get the desired result.
- Phase 1: This is the first day that spans through 7 days and will give you just all you need to tackle shingles. You will be told the right type of food, exercises you need just for the prevention of this problem. IT comes with its own diet schedule that will provide you with the best-needed result.
- Phase 2: This is a 21-day plan that comes with all the diet schedule and has all the therapies you will need to enable it to work effectively in your body.
- Extra Weeks: Here is where you will get information on how to work for extra time.
The appendix discussed different things but divided into the following:
- Pain Relief: You will get different plans here that will relieve you of pain.
- Anti-Shingles Diet Food Lists: This is a great list that contains foods to avoid and consumable foods. The list is exhaustive enough.
- Recipe for Success: These are recipes that have been tested to produce the best result for you. You can easily recreate them at home. Some of them are the silver bullet breakfast smoothies, quince purree, Apple Purree and so many other.
- Supplements List: This list takes it time to point out numerous amino-acid such as Quercetin, Reshi mushroom. It not only lists them, but it also gives you reasons to use them and how to use them.
- Deep Breathing: At the end of it all, you will be given taught how to take deep breathes and use mindful movement that will give you just the right result you so desire. These exercises come with pictorial examples sure to help you in the creation of just the right ways to handle any situation.
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General Review
Here is a product that has a lot of information that beats all that you can easily know even if you research them online. Thus, it is worth the amount required of it. The details were carefully researched and even come with their own references list.
7/ Why You Should Use This Product?
The following reasons are why this product is essential for you.
- Clearing of Shingles Scabs: It is a program that can help clear up your shingles scabs in record time. They will dry quickly and clear with virtually no scarring.
- No Itching: Another thing is that it reduces the itching to almost nothing.
- Beats Traditional Treatments: This product beats all the traditional treatments for treating shingles.
- Simple to use Treatment: You do not need to worry about going through a whole lot of people or waiting to see your doctor before getting the right treatment from this product.
- No Age Limit: It has been tested and proven to treat any shingle diseases regardless of your age. Most of the recommendations are suitable for people below and above 40 years. In other words, children and old people can easily use it without fear of any side effects.
- Any Level: You can easily treat any level of shingle with this product. Regardless of the severity, you are sure to get the best treatment.
- No More Painful Procedure: Have you ever been afraid of the pain and rigour that comes with treating your shingles? Then, you have nothing to worry about. Shingle Solution will easily help in the elimination of these pain.
- Confidence: Shingle has its way of playing on our confidence and making us feel conscious of our oral health. However, with Shingle Solution, you are guaranteed to have the ability to save your face and deal with people without worries about your face.
8/ Cons
The onus of ensuring there is no side effect is on the user. You must ensure you follow all the procedures and recommendation for that is the only way you can get the best result.
9/ Conclusion
This product is highly recommended to anyone that is either trying to treat or prevent shingle. The diets and exercises do not have any side effect and have made it easy to use for anyone that wants. Staying confident and healthy is always the best.