1/ HR Expert & Business Advocate
At CalChamber, we’re all about helping California businesses do business. We provide expert guidance and advocacy for California employers so businesses like yours can comply with frequently changing labor laws and thrive in a heavily regulated environment.
CalChamber is here to help you manage compliance and give you a voice in shaping laws. Whether you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats or a seasoned HR professional, we’re proud to provide resources you can count on. CalChamber experts produce HRCalifornia.com, the most trusted California labor law compliance site. Our experienced HR advisers at the Labor Law Helpline provide answers to your complicated questions. And the CalChamber Store has all the compliance tools to meet your business needs – including required state, federal and local employment posters and pamphlets, sexual harassment prevention training, reference guides, compliance seminars and webinars, and an online employee handbook creator.
CalChamber is a one-stop shop for information, products and resources that answer California and federal labor law and human resources questions and help HR professionals and business owners complete compliance-related tasks. CalChamber members receive numerous benefits, including:
Labor Law Helpline, which supports your business needs by providing direct phone contact to our HR Advisers – the expert support you need to keep your business in compliance with the law.
HRCalifornia.com, which allows 24/7 access to forms, checklists, and policies that are frequently updated to reflect changes to California employment law.
The CalChamber Store offers an extensive selection of products such as posters, reference books, guides and online training that will help you complete HR tasks and comply with employment law requirements such as sexual harassment prevention.
CalChamber is the largest, broad-based business advocate, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California businesses. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable, easy-to-use compliance products and services.
Products : Required Notices Kit; Labor Law Digest; HR Quick Guide ;Employee Handbook Creator; Posters; Required by Law ;Forms & Checklists;Seminars; Live Webinars; Online Courses; Harassment Prevention; Spanish; Products CalChamber Memberships
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2/ Working Together Compliance & Advocacy
Our team of California business advocates maintains a steady presence at the State Capitol and gives our labor law experts front-line knowledge of new laws and regulations. That means you’re always among the first to know about any new laws that may affect your business and employees – and how to comply. In fact, CalChamber is the leading advocate for California business at the State Capitol, at the ballot box, with regulatory agencies and in the courts. We defeat unnecessary mandates to minimize the costs of doing business in California so you can create jobs.
3/ CalChamber & You
As a not-for-profit since 1890, CalChamber works to transform California’s business landscape. Today, nearly 40,000 businesses in the state rely on CalChamber for advocacy and labor law compliance.Join CalChamber and be a part of the story as we continue working with businesses to enhance the California economy and make the state a better place to live, work and do business.
4/ Kat Lotz, CFO Jewel Box Platinum, Inc.
CalChamber is the most important business partner we have. When employment rules change in California, the state doesn’t notify us. CalChamber does. I rely on your compliance products and member services because I know I’m getting the most up-to-date information to help protect our employees and keep them happy. Worth every penny. That’s the bottom line for us
5/ Felicity Booker, Human Resources Specialist, Accuride International, Santa Fe Springs
California employment laws change so often—you have to keep up. Most important of all, we want our employees to remain informed and safe. CalChamber makes our compliance initiatives much easier to maintain. With all the great reference tools and the volume of up-to-date information, I know I’ll always be ready to save the day!
6/ California Required Notices Kit – California Posters and Pamphlets
Compliance Alerts: The all-in-one poster in CalChamber’s 2021 Required Notices Kit includes mandatory updates effective January 1, 2021 to the California Minimum Wage notice, the EDD’s Notice to Employees, the Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave notice, the Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee notice, and to the California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment notice. The kit also reflects mandatory updates dated December 2020 to the Paid Family Leave pamphlet, the Unemployment Insurance pamphlet, and to the State Disability Insurance pamphlet. (See Updates under the Additional Information tab.)
Note: On January 1, 2021, the minimum wage increases to $13.00/hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees and to $14.00/hour for employers with 26 or more employees.
Avoid noncompliance and steep penalties by informing employees of their current rights in the workplace.
KIT DESCRIPTION : In one convenient kit you get a 28″ x 46″ all-in-one poster with the 18 state and federal notices every California employer must post, plus 20 each of the six required pamphlets to hand out to employees. While you save money buying the kit, you can order the poster and pamphlets separately.
Even if you employ only one person in California, you are required to post current employment notices and distribute certain pamphlets. Be sure to display a poster in each business location where employees can easily see it and read it.
You’ll need both English and Spanish kit versions if you have Spanish-speaking employees.
Remember, you must separately post the Wage Order(s) specific to your industry. New postings are required as of January 1, 2021. Use our free Wage Order Wizard to identify which of the 17 industry Wage Orders apply to your business. You may need more than one.
PRODUCT FEATURES : Choose from a paper or laminated (recyclable) all-in-one poster in English or Spanish:
Single poster with required California and federal notices
Option to buy poster with Poster Protect® required updates coverage (See Additional Information tab for details.)
Option to personalize your poster with your company logo and information by calling (800) 331-8877
Required California and Federal Employment Notices:
Transgender Rights in the Workplace
Healthy Workplaces/Healthy Families Act of 2014 – Paid Sick Leave
Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW
Notice to Employees (EDD: UI, DI and PFL)
California Minimum Wage
Federal Minimum Wage
Your Rights Under USERRA
Safety and Health Protection on the Job (Cal/OSHA)
Notice to Employees-Injuries Caused by Work (Division of Workers’ Compensation)
California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment (DFEH)
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee
Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave
Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Whistleblowers Are Protected
Time Off to Vote
Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Emergency Contacts
Payday Notice
The required pamphlets in our compliance kit include 20 each of the following:
Sexual Harassment pamphlet (required at hire)
Workers’ Compensation Rights & Benefits pamphlet (required at hire)
State Disability Insurance pamphlet (required at hire and for any employee taking a leave of absence for a covered reason)
Paid Family Leave pamphlet (required at hire and again to any employee taking a leave of absence that may entitle them to benefits)
Unemployment Insurance pamphlet (required for any employee who is terminated, laid off or takes a leave of absence or resigns)
Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking pamphlet (required at hire and again to any current employee who requests it)
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7/ California Labor Law Digest – 61st Edition
HR professionals and business owners reference California Labor Law Digest to understand and comply with California’s complex employment laws and regulations. Intuitively organized, its plain language style clears up common areas of confusion, such as exempt/nonexempt status, paid sick leave, and meal and rest breaks. It also spells out requirements for California and federal laws, regulations and court cases.
The 61st edition of this comprehensive best seller features information on new California laws, including the expansion of the California Family Rights Act that will impact most employers with five or more employees; COVID-19; exemptions and clarifications for the independent contractor “ABC test,” and more. 1,000+ Pages.
As the only book of its kind serving California business, the Labor Law Digest is designed to make your job easier, with new laws highlighted to catch your eye. It provides instructions on how to apply existing laws and manage everyday HR issues, such as performing job evaluations or implementing a policy to prevent workplace violence. Plus, it gives you access to more than 300 downloadable HR forms and checklists; many in Spanish.
California Labor Law Digest is available as a book or as a download for Windows or Mac. If you order the download-only version, you’ll receive an email with detailed instructions for downloading.
8/ California Employee Handbook Creator Online Tool
Applicable policies in Employee Handbook Creator are updated to reflect recent legislative and regulatory changes, agency decisions, court cases or best practices. Additionally, the online tool includes paid sick leave and other policies that comply with local ordinances for certain California cities. See 2021 Compliance Alert below for more information.
9/ Harassment Prevention Training : HAVE YOU MET YOUR TRAINING DEADLINES?
California law requires employers with five or more employees to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees every two years. Mandatory training for supervisors and nonsupervisory employees must be completed by January 1, 2021. Training must also take place within six months of hire or promotion and again every two years. If you trained staff in 2019, they are due for retraining in 2021.
10/ Spanish : California Compliance Products
From required employment notices to mandatory California harassment prevention training, CalChamber offers a variety of compliance products in Spanish. Gain peace of mind in knowing you’re communicating more effectively with your Spanish-speaking employees.
11/ Renew or Upgrade your CalChamber membership to access the expert HR compliance resources of HRCalifornia and more.
Quick answers to tough HR questions. Clear explanations of compliance rules. Breaking news on laws, regulations and cases. Timesaving HR tools. Let the HRCalifornia site guide you through the complexities of California employment law. Need help deciding which membership is right for you? Speak to a representative at: (800) 649-4921.
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