Home / Fitness & Exercise / Neuro-Balance Therapy Reviews – Is Chris Wilson’s Program Effective?

Neuro-Balance Therapy Reviews – Is Chris Wilson’s Program Effective?

The Neuro-Balance Therapy program is a comprehensive system designed to help men and women improve their balance and responsive movement to help prevent falls and to give them the strength and confidence to live their life to the fullest, without fear of falling.  It’s estimated that approximately 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 die from a fall, whether as a direct result from the fall itself or from other related circumstances that occur in the following weeks, months and years. This is a shocking statistic for many people, as many people associate falls for older adults and seniors with fractures and other injuries, but never death. And although it is a very real possibility, there are some things you can do to improve your balance and stability to prevent falls in the future.

neuro balance therapy review

The Neuro-Balance Therapy program teaches you a series of 10-15 minute rituals that are designed to improve your strength, stability and balance to prevent falls. Everything is taught to you by a professional balance and stability specialist and can be done right in the comfort of your own home.

neuro balance therapy

1/ What is The Neuro-Balance Therapy?

The older you get, the more catastrophic a fall can be to your wellbeing, and life. An unexpected fall can lead to serious injury, chronic pain and eventual depression or isolation, or much worse. The Neuro-Balance Therapy is an online program designed to help men and women prevent trips and falls by improving their strength, balance and stability. It’s a simple regime that focuses on using a 10-15-minute ritual each morning to kick start your day by firing up a specific nerve in your feet known as the peroneal nerve. This nerve is responsible for stimulating all of the little muscles in your lower body, such as your foot, ankle and leg.

The Neuro-Balance Therapy rituals can be done right at home with nothing more than a sturdy chair and a spiky massage ball. There are three levels that make up the system: beginner, intermediate and advanced for gradual and therapeutic progress at your own pace. It is recommended to perform the exercises daily or at least every other day to get maximum benefits. However, the more you do them, the better you feel, so every morning is highly recommended.

As for the movements, they are super gentle, light stretches that are appropriate for all ages, no matter your flexibility, strength, mobility or age. You do them at your own pace and take rest as needed, based on your individual needs. If you already have a regular exercise regimen, you can add the balance routines to your warm up or use them as stand-alone routines to do on your days off. Workout schedules and charts are provided, so you can follow along with ease. The video routines also time the movements right on screen, so you don’t have to worry about doing this on your own. All you have to do is click play and follow along.

Everything is digital as well, meaning you receive instant access and can use the program wherever you please. You can also download the material onto your personal tech device for access on-the-go.

2/ Who Created The Neuro-Balance Therapy?

Balance and stability specialist, Chris Wilson, is the author of The Neuro-Balance Therapy program. He became a Certified Personal Trainer in 1999 with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and has since trained over 15,000 hours with clients of all ages, with the main focus on working with older adults and seniors. He’s also certified in Balance and Stability Instruction with the American Sports & Fitness, is a certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor) and a Specialist of Sports Nutrition.

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3/ Quick Overview of The Neuro-Balance Therapy

The Neuro-Balance Therapy program is a comprehensive system that provides you with a complete series of therapeutic routines to do to stimulate your nerves, improve balance and get you living life to your fullest.

The program is separated into three video routines for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Each routine is broken down step-by-step in the video, as well as in The Exercise Handbook which comes with photos showing movement and position. It also comes with a Handbook that teaches you the foundation of the program, complete with extra tips to support your health.

Here is a more detailed look at what you can expect from each portion of the program:

3.1/ The Handbook

  • Chapter 1: Why Balance is Vital to Life
  • Chapter 2: Your Central Balance System
  • Chapter 3: The Mind-Body Connection
  • Chapter 4: The Dangers of Neuropathy
  • Chapter 5: Stimulating the #1 Balance Nerve in your Body
  • Chapter 6: Fall Prevention and Risk Factors
  • Chapter 7: Improving Balance with Limited Mobility
  • Chapter 8: Independent Living and Compressed Morbidity
  • Chapter 9: More Benefits of Doing Balance Exercises Regularly

About the Author


In this portion of the program, you get all of the details about neuropathy, your nerves, your central balance system and everything else that plays a part. It’s full of valuable information about the importance of stimulating your nerves to regain balance and start living life to the fullest again. The fall prevention and risk factors is particularly an interesting read as it blatantly stats how important it is to start improving your balance. For example, did you know two of the most common falls happen in the bathroom or in the middle of the night when you get up to go to the bathroom?

neuro balance therapy 2022

3.2/ The Exercise Guidebook

Chapter 1: Program Overview and Parameters

Chapter 2: Balance Mastery Routines

  • Level 1: Beginner
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Level 3: Advanced

Chapter 3: Balance Exercise Definitions and Pictures

  • Level 1: Beginner
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Level 3: Advanced

About the Author

The Exercise Guidebook breaks down the specifics of using the routines provided and completing the movements that make up the program. It gets into the design and specifics of the regime, as well as how to make the routines effective and fun to ensure you continue doing them in your daily life. This is why the program has used a combination of modalities and exercise types to make up the routines. This includes a blend of tai chi and shadow boxing, waking, isometric training, seated exercises, standing exercises and many others. Now, that doesn’t mean that you’ll be doing boxing or running a lap, but rather, the program has taken something beneficial from that style exercise. It even provides you with ideal schedules to use depending on your current physical activity level. For example, if you’re a true beginning, the program has created this schedule for you:

“Monday – Level I – Beginner

Tuesday – 10-15 minutes of walking

Wednesday – Level I – Beginner

Thursday – 10-15 minutes of walking

Friday – Level I – Beginner

Saturday – 10-15 minutes of walking

Sunday – 10-15 minutes of walking”

It also comes with workout charts and so much more!

neuro balance therapy reviews

3.4/ Introduction Video

The program begins with an introduction video to revitalizing your body’s ability to feel strong, stable and balanced. In this video, you receive a quick description of how the program can be used to help prevent unexpected trips and falls. One of the coolest things about this quick intro is that it lets you know when to use the system and how quickly you will begin to experience relief (it’s immediately!).

Level 1: Beginner Video

The first video you want to use with this program is Level 1: Beginner. It provides you with a step-by-step of all 10 movements, starting with 2 of the most important ones that stimulate the receptors in your feet to get your nerves in your leg stimulated so you can start your day. In addition to seeing how to perform each movement and learning how it’s beneficial for you, you also receive some extra tips, such as the importance of starting each video off being barefoot.

Level 2: Intermediate Video

Once you have successfully become comfortable with the movements in level 1, you can move onto level 2. Similar to the prior, this video provides you with a full tutorial of all 10 minutes, starting off barefoot and with a spikey ball for 1 minute (30 seconds up and down, 30 seconds side-to-side). Then, the video goes into the other movements that are slightly more complex than the ones in the prior. Plenty of tips are provided throughout, including advice on what to do if you feel like you’re going to fall.

Level 3: Advanced Video

Once you have mastered the movements in level 2, you can move onto the final stage of the program: the advanced routine. This video begins similarly to the others. The main difference from this regime is that the movements are slightly more complicated than the prior and are designed to add that final touch in your therapy to really seal the deal.

In addition to this, you also receive access to some free bonuses which are:

  • Free Bonus #1: Top 20 Tips to Fall-Proof Your Home
  • Free Bonus #2: Free Copy of the Best-Selling Anti-Aging Workout DVD

neuro balance therapy

4/ The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

Can be done right at home without the need of assistance or gym equipment

Routines only take a minimum of 10-15 minutes a day

Gentle, therapeutic movements come with detailed explanations

Detailed workout guide and videos to show you exactly how to perform each movement and the benefit of doing so

Online access as soon as you purchase

Program materials can be downloaded onto your own personal tech devices for access anytime, anywhere

Comes with schedule examples for different activity levels so you can easily follow along and get started

The beginner, intermediate and advanced videos allow for gradual progress

60 Day Money Back Guarantee allows you to try the program out risk-free for two months

Disadvantages of the Program

Since The Neuro-Balance Therapy system is digital, everything is available online – a major advantage. However, this does mean that a physical copy is not sent out to you, nor is the small spikey therapy ball, which the three routines begin with. Fortunately, these can easily be found at your local department store or online at places like Amazon.

5/ Conclusion

The Neuro-Balance Therapy is designed to help men and women improve their balance, strength and stability so they can prevent falls and get back to doing all the things they love. It’s really simple and comes with easy-to-follow video routines that only require a minimum of 10-15 minutes to complete. Everything is online and you even get to try the system out risk-free with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

neuro balance therapy

6/ Frequently Asked Questions

Are the routines safe for everyone to use?

The program focuses on using gentle light balancing exercises to restore your sense of balance, so it should be safe for everyone to use. They’re super easy to do and do not require any assistance (other than from a chair). However, if you do have any concerns, you may wish to speak with your doctor first.

What are some specific examples of the exercises?

As mentioned, all of the exercises involve light balancing movements that are incredibly easy. For example, you’ll be doing some sitting positions, balancing walks and stretches, standing boxing stances, proper bends, slight leg raises, and so on and so forth.

Will I need any equipment to use the program?

Everything can be done at home without the use of any equipment. However, you will want to get a spiky ball to stimulate your peroneal nerve, which is done at the beginning of each routine. These can be found at your local department store or online. Other than that, you’ll just need a sturdy chair to sit on or use to support your balance.

Has the author created any other programs?

Yes. The author is part of the Critical Bench team, which has created many successful programs such as Unlock Your Hip Flexors and Fix My Shoulder Pain.

Is there someone I can contact if I have any questions?

The author can be contacted on their website. You can also drop us a message and we will help you out the best way that we can.

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