- Great for beginners and intermmediate.
- The guide is straightforward and simple to use and implement. Therefore it can be useful to everyone.
- Alternative approach.
- The program promotes extra stimulus for muscle building. The isometrics are often neglected even though their effectiveness has been proved.
- Train anywhere
- You don’t have to spend your money and time in a gym. It can be done anywhere at any time.
- Helpful instructing material
- It includes demonstration videos for a better understanding of every step to take while handling this guide.
- Great bonus material
- It comes with three excellent bonuses together with a diet plan that will help you achieve nothing but the best.
- Try it, risk-free!
- You are protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee.
- It requires a running in period as they must be learned for full effectiveness.
- You need to put some effort for you to achieve the best results.
- Isometric Mass program is a step-by-step guide that aims at helping you build strong muscles and gain superhuman strength. The program is developed to explode your muscle growth more rapidly, thus attaining a healthy and robust body. Look your best without spending hours in the gym. Instead, maximize your gains, all from home!
Are you looking for the best way to build muscle from home? Do you want to shed off your excess weight to achieve the desired figure? Are you tired of spending money on programs that are nothing but a scam?
I know I was, after months of training in a gym, with great results, my job forced me to stop. In summary, I had to travel around and could barely go to a gym.
So, I needed a way to keep my gains, but either I would fall in scams or just not find the right program for me.
However, after coming across a review for Isometrics Mass, I decided to give it a go. What caught my eye was how specialized it was. I’ve always believed that, if you work on one thing at the time, you’ll get better results.
So, I gave it a go and it was a win. First, I am able to train from anywhere. Second, not only did I keep my gains, but I improved. To be honest, I overdo it a lot, but you don’t have to. Really, don’t be like me and follow instructions.
Here’s more on how it works.
1/ What is Isometric Mass?
Isometrics Mass is a step-by-step guide, that aims at helping you build strong muscles and gain superhuman strength. The program is relatively friendly and it doesn’t matter your age or current shape.
Basically, an isometric exercise is one where you push or pull against resistance, but there is no movement of the muscle or joint involved.
With that, you “explode” your muscle growth more rapidly. Form and technique are extremely important here. However, if you’re disciplined, you’ll attain a healthy and strong body.
Also, you will regain your sex drive. In short, this type of exercise increases your testosterone level by a lot. Especially during your resting periods.
To be honest, this program is more for those who want to grow some muscle and get leaner. If you’re looking to gain weight, this may not be for you.
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2/ About the author, Alby Gonzalez
Alby Gonzalez is the man behind this amazing bodybuilding guide.
First, he is a fitness expert and an exercise instructor. He has full experience in bodybuilding and training. Also, he is a researcher. He has come up with a number of programs that help people build muscle and get ripped.
Alby Gonzalez got inspired to create this program after he struggled with weight loss. In essence, the entire program is based on each and every secret he used to achieve his great shape.
After his research, he helped a number of people with this program. The main idea was to make it better.
Well, the results are nothing but the best. Also, he has an interesting YouTube channel. Check it out! There, he showcases a vast range of bodybuilding workouts and tutorials.
It really took him long to achieve his physique, but he achieved his impressive size and strength through relentless training and dedication over time.
3/ How does Isometrics Mass work?
Surprisingly, the plan can either work alone or together with concentric exercises. Taking the second stand, for instance when used with dynamic movements, isometrics can be employed before, during, or after regular sets.
Here, for example, you can do isometrics in the middle of a regular set, alternating a few repetitions with static holds in several sequences until failure. These techniques are an interpretation of pre-exhaust isometrics before your regular, dynamic set.
Remember, pre-exhaust isometrics are particularly effective for creating a strong mind-muscle connection. In turn, this will help you recruit and stimulate any lagging muscle group, improving growth.
In this book, the sequences are made of three main sets which make an interconnection set, isometric mass set, and dynamic regular set.
4/ What’s included in this program?
Basically, it is a completely digital program consisting of 5 main components plus 3 bonuses.
The program is complete. It contains tutorial videos and a nutritional guide. Even better, everything is immediately accessible on your smartphone or PC upon purchase, no need for home deliveries.
These are some of the main bonuses:
Isometric Mass Main Manual
Here, you get a plan with all the theories and references to old-style training tips.
Before us, isometric strength training was popular because people achieved incredible results.
Isometrics Mass Workout Guide
Basically, this is an eight-week workout blueprint with all the exercises laid out and a progression phase to follow after the first eight weeks.
Isometrics Mass Printable Workout Logs
It includes the all-important training logs to keep track of your progress.
Isometrics Mass Quick Start Video Guide
In essence, this is a briefing about isometric techniques that may be unknown for most muscle builders.
Also, about how to quickly implement isometrics correctly.
Isometrics Mass Instructional Video Library
This is a full workout video library with Alby demonstrating how to implement each isometric for each exercise.
==> Click Link here to Isometric Mass program build strong muscles
5/ Does Isometrics Mass offer any bonuses?
There are great bonuses you will get with this program.
Isometrics Mass Bodyweight Edition
Literally, it is for individuals who do not have access to a gym or do not have home gear for working out. It is also useful when you are on holiday or traveling.
Isometrics Mass Done-For-You Meal Plan
This is a practical diet plan with meal planning designed to aid the recovery and build muscle.
Isometrics Mass Supplement Guide
Use of supplements in this course is optional but in case you choose to speed up results, you will get a short list of the supplements worth your money, leaving out the useless ones.
Definitely, these bonuses helped me a lot to increase results. They are especially useful if you have a busy schedule. I mean, it’s not like you’ll see results every day. However, they do speed up a little.
6/ Conclusion
Honestly, this program is a great muscle building system. If you can go to the gym, or enjoy it, maybe that’d be better for you. However, if you need an alternative, this is really amazing.
It offers a simple but effective solution to ripping your muscles to the desired figure. The core technique of this program is static hold and therefore you are assured that it will work well for you. Furthermore, once you buy the guide, you will get a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Improving your strength and muscle development is possible, even if you don’t go to the gym.
Don’t fall for your own excuses. Instead, start today to get the body you want.
==> Click Link here to Isometric Mass program build strong muscles