Home / Health & Diet Guide / Ho’oponopono Prayer Alert – Please Avoid This Mistake When You Practice This Hawaiian Healing System

Ho’oponopono Prayer Alert – Please Avoid This Mistake When You Practice This Hawaiian Healing System

  • Music] This is a Hawaiian healing system where you engage in a dialogue with the creator. Inside yourself, you acknowledge that you are trying to attract your soul mate, healing, or a breakthrough, but you feel stuck, like something is holding you back. You don’t need to know the specific belief or block, but you are aware that it exists because you can feel it. You pretend that you are conversing with your connection to the universe and you repeat four simple phrases: “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” You can say them in any order, and it’s rare to say them out loud. You never have to say them to another person. This is your private prayer or petition, a communication within yourself to whatever you perceive as the being that gave you life, the greater higher power.

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  • Recently, someone expressed skepticism about the book “Zero Limits” and the power of saying simple phrases like “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” They were in bed, and there was a lot of noise outside, perhaps due to a party happening nearby. They decided to give it a try and lay in bed saying, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” Almost instantly, the party stopped, the noise ceased, and they were able to sleep peacefully. I want to highlight the simplicity of this practice and emphasize something important. You are not engaging in this cleaning process to obtain something specific; you are doing it to cleanse yourself. If you focus on achieving a particular result, you are still operating within the realm of the ego, intention, and the constant need to control everything with your limited conscious mind. The objective is to constantly erase, cleanse, and let go so that you can receive inspiration. When inspiration arises, it comes from a place of purity, originating from zero, from the divine. That’s when you step into it.
  •  Let me draw a parallel with a TV show. I want you to understand that I’m not making things happen; I’m not trying to force them. I’m engaging in the cleaning process, and as I do that, things unfold. Someone asked me about the various things I do—I am an incredibly prolific writer, and almost every month, I have a new book coming out. I write more books than most people have read since high school. Some of my fans struggle to keep up with my writing, and they complain that I produce too much content. But what they don’t realize is that it’s not a result of intense effort or struggle. It’s play; it’s an effortless activity. This is what happens when you operate from a place of inspiration and continue to clean. The divine might tell me to write a book or engage in any other activity, and it becomes easy for me to do it.

law of attraction

  • When you observe me doing it, it may seem like I’m exerting great effort because you’re imagining what it would be like for you to do it. But for me, it’s natural. Similarly, you have your sonnet over there. You don’t want to memorize it or perform it because that’s not your inspiration. However, one day, as you keep cleaning, you might wake up with the inspiration to extract something from your favorite books, memorize it, and turn it into a theatrical experience. Until that moment, it might feel like work because it’s not yet natural. The cleaning is intended to bring you to a state of acceptance in the present moment, and from there, you may be inspired to do something else. It could be writing poetry, developing a business plan, going for a walk or a run—there are endless possibilities. So, you clean to clean.
  • Ho’oponopono—it might be familiar to you, or it might be the first time you’ve heard of it. Brace yourself because it is the most powerful, transformational, magical, and miraculous technique I have ever encountered. I am Dr. Joe Vitale, and I have written 80 books, recorded 15 albums, and have over 200 products. I offer coaching programs and certification programs. However, nothing has had as profound an impact on my life as Ho’oponopono. I have been teaching it to others since around 2005. While the practice appears simple on the surface, it has great depth. It involves repeating four phrases as a quiet prayer or petition. But there’s so much more to it than that. I urge you to explore it—for yourself, your family, your friends, and ultimately, for the world. It possesses that kind of power. As I like to say, expect miracles.

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