Home / Arthritis Treatment Plan / Feel Good Knees Review (2021) – Worthy for Money? May Be!

Feel Good Knees Review (2021) – Worthy for Money? May Be!

Knee pain is quite a common problem for many. If not attended to properly, it can get worse. There are several treatment choices out there; however, most of these therapies or treatments focus on the symptoms. The root cause is not usually eliminated, and thus those undergoing such knee problems are mostly pushed into taking medication. Just for such people – Feel Good Knees is a great program.

Feel Good Knees is a program that teaches you how you can get rid of that consistent knee problem. It consists of deceptively simple exercises which are extremely effective. Simple pointers and tips are given, which would help you follow the program with ease. Not only will you get rid of your knee problem, but you will also enhance your body strength and energy levels. You can once again start all those activities that you were avoiding due to your knee pain.

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There are many therapies and treatments doing the rounds in the market, and that claim to help with knee pain. In this article, we have given you a detailed review of the Feel Good Knees Program; so that you are able to make an informed choice.

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It is an easy rehabilitation program for those suffering from knee inflammation, pain, postural misalignment, or cartilage deterioration. It is based upon isometric exercises which are spread over a 12-week schedule.

Todd Kuslikis made this workout regimen in such a way that it can be done by anyone and is easy. It takes only about 5 minutes a day and needs to be followed for three 2- week phases which total 12 weeks.

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Isometrics might be a new term for some of you. It is a method used by therapists for rehabilitation which is mainly due to poor bearing properties of the cartilages and joints. This also helps in giving the muscles and tendons a good workout – thus, making them stronger.


Anyone suffering from knee pain, whether men or women, middle-aged or seniors – can take up this program. It also works well for those who are dependent on medication or have tried several other kinds of expensive therapies and treatments.

The Feel Good Knees program is quite user-friendly and can be done anywhere at any time. All one needs is 5 minutes. The program has been made around 3 phases which progress gradually and thus do not stress the body in any way. It is a simple, effective, and time-efficient program that works for most.

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The Feel Good Knees is basically a digital program that makes it even easier for users to access it. It has a video library, pdf manuals as well as some bonuses. It is compatible with all devices and can be downloaded easily.


Introduction – This is a general outline of the whole program and its process.

Companion Guide – pdf manuals consisting of the exercises explained through pictures.

Pain Reduction Log – The user can log their changes and see their own progress.

Video Library – Videos that demonstrate the exercises for all the phases.


One Minute Rejuvenation – This is basically a finisher that is to be done after the 5-minute sequence.

Posture Alignment Guide – This is a guide that discusses the six mistakes we commonly make with regards to posture and how we could correct them.


The first two weeks in this program are mild so that you can focus on the reduction of knee inflammation and pain. And then you can switch to the phase wherein you focus on strengthening exercises.


This phase involves some easy yoga asanas that gradually bring you out of the immobility phase. When we have some pain; we tend to take it easy and avoid the movements that bring in the pain of any kind. This is where we go wrong. This gradually makes our knee weaker and reduces our mobility.

These exercises gently strengthen the knee tendons and muscles so that they are introduced to new stimulus without causing any harm or pain. Some of the exercises that are done are the Standing Pigeon pose, Reaching towards the Sky, Seated Pillow Squeezers, etc.



This phase follows a protocol that focuses on enhancing your knee strength. By this phase, the pain and inflammation would have reduced so that you can go on to a more stimulating schedule. This involves Seated Towel presses, Seated leg raises, and laying Pillow Squeezers.


The last two weeks of this program focuses on bringing total functionality to your knees. The exercises are harder and involve bodyweight for stimulation. The exercises involved are – wall sit, wall sits with towel squeezes, and reverse lunges.

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These routines are simple, and thus anyone with pain or slight injury and handle these. The entire idea is built upon the concept that our body can heal itself. It is not only just an exercise form for freeing yourself from knee pain, but it is also a disciplined way to a better lifestyle – a healthy one. It uses some of the best practices that physical fitness mentors and therapists use. Of course, one also needs to follow a good, balanced, and healthy diet which would soon lead to a pain-free world for you. You can soon forget the expensive medication and therapies that you probably had been depending on. The Feel Good Knees is a good and easy alternative.

It is deceptively simple and yet structured in an effective way. First, the knee muscles and ligaments are helped to get rid of their pain and prepared to handle the coming phases. It is a holistic approach that involves isometric exercises that can be done anywhere and any time with no stress at all.

Having said that, it would be a good idea to check with your doctor before you start with any kind of therapy or treatment program.

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