The Backpain Breakthrough Program is a program designed for people who are suffering from back pain. It promises to relieve you of your back pain in less than 30 days. Its founder, Dr. Steve Young has 31 years of experience working in this field. He has worked with the world’s top specialists in injury and back pain prevention.
Back pain is becoming quite common these days. It’s not only aged people who experience it, but more and more younger people are starting to get it. The main reasons for this are bad posture due to the use of smartphones/computers and a lack of exercise.
Back pain is one of the most hurting aches that can happen to you. And, as the back is linked with other parts of our bodies, the pain can easily travel to the legs and neck. Not only is it extremely painful at times, but it is also not easily treatable like other aches. This is where Dr. Steve Young comes in with his Backpain Breakthrough Program.
What is the Backpain Breakthrough Program?
The Backpain Breakthrough Program is a program designed for people who are suffering from back pain. It promises to relieve you of your back pain in less than 30 days. Its founder, Dr. Steve Young has 31 years of experience working in this field. He has worked with the world’s top specialists in injury and back pain prevention.
After years of research, Dr.Steve finally found a way of treating back pain effortlessly. He calls this program The Backpain Breakthrough. The Backpain Breakthrough program is a set of exercises and movements that instantly cure your back pain. The movements help your spine to open up and hence relieve you from pain.
How does it work?
To find out how the program works, you first need to understand the root cause of back pain. Our spine is made of vertebrae, discs, and the spinal nerve. In a healthy back, there is a gap between the spinal nerve and the vertebrae. But many people do not have that space, and the vertebrae start to collide with the spinal nerve.
Now, as is the case with other nerves in our body, the spinal nerve is also very sensitive. And, when it gets hit with the vertebrae it causes pain to occur throughout your back. The more force the nerve gets hit with, the more severe the pain is in your back. This along with the iliacus muscle is the main reason for our back pain. The Iliacus muscle is a muscle in our lower back.
The iliacus muscle connects the legs with the spine and works when we are sitting to support the spine. Now, because of our contemporary lifestyle, in which we spend most of the day sitting, this muscle becomes overstimulated. The result of this is that the muscle becomes tight, and causes the vertebrae to push the nerve, hence causing pain.
So, to cure back pain, tight iliacus muscles and tight nerves need to be treated. How does that happen? It happens through something Dr.Steve developed himself, called the ‘Targeted Spinal Release’. Targeted Spinal Release is a scientifically researched method to straighten and loosen the iliacus muscles. This causes the pain to go away immediately.
Who is it for?
This program is pretty much for anyone who is experiencing back pain. Some people only experience mild back pain so they ignore it, but it sometimes can lead to other diseases. Back pain can also get severe sometimes, and it can interfere with your work and normal life. That is why this program is a good fit for anyone, no matter how much pain are you suffering.
Features of BackPain Breakthrough
Now that we have talked about how the method works, let’s discuss what can you expect to get after buying the program:
The Program includes a 60-minute masterclass recorded by Dr.Steve which teaches you the exact method. In this class, he explains the method in 6 individual steps, each explained in incredible detail. You will learn how to perform all of the movements when to perform them and the duration of each posture.
After this, Dr.Steve performs a Targeted Spinal Release on his assistant, so you know exactly what to do practically. Dr.Steve has also included several bonuses other than this in this program/masterclass which are as follows:
Backpain Extinguisher
The Back Pain Extinguisher is a movement that you could use any time when your back feels stiff. This movement does not even require 2 minutes and you could do it instantly wherever you are.
The Sciatica Soother
The Sciatica Soother is a basic exercise that provides everlasting ease from sciatic pain. This exercise only requires merely 30 seconds and automatically realigns your spine.
We have saved the best part for last. The Backpain Breakthrough program is also available in E-Book format. Besides recording the masterclass, Dr.Steve took the time to write a detailed guide for people who prefer to read. This guide is called, “The Targeted Spinal Release: The Manual”. It is full of pictorial representations of every step so that you can understand better.
Dr.Steve has also included several bonuses in the E-Book that have not been mentioned elsewhere. It includes a simple stretch that you have to perform in the morning. It will help to stop the pain throughout the day, by removing pressure from the spinal nerve.
It also includes a process that will help you loosen your spine before falling asleep. This ensures that you sleep pain-free and in seconds. This method is specially designed for people who suffer from insomnia due to back pain.
It also contains a strategy made by Dr.Steve called “bracing”. This strategy should be used while changing positions, like standing up from a sofa or laying on a bed. This assures that sudden movements do not affect your back. This method alone can make your back pain-free.
Other than this manual, another E-Book is included. This is called “Advanced Healing Techniques: Bonus Guide”. This guide is perfect for people who want to cure back pain even faster than the promised 30 days. It contains techniques to accelerate your healing process by customizing the Targeted Spinal Release according to your specific pain.
It contains additional tips to use for a certain type of pain and tips to correct your posture. This also ensures that your pain never returns and you do not have to perform the TSR again and again. It also features methods of recovering from the medications that you have been taking to get relief from back pain. This guide contains everything that you need to get relief from pain.
Dr.Steve wanted to make this program affordable for everyone. The whole program costs only 97$, which is less than what a back pain specialist will charge you for only one session.
Refund Policy
In case you are not satisfied with the program, you may contact customer support within 60 days to request a refund.
Will I have to wait for the program in my email after buying?
No, you will be offered an instant digital download of the whole masterclass, along with the E-Books.
Does the process cause any side effects, such as pain in other body parts?
No, the whole process is entirely pain-free. This is because it is only movements that are involved, and no medications or surgery.
Do I have to perform the method several times a day?
No, Dr.Steve recommends that you perform this process once a day.
Final Thoughts
The Backpain Breakthrough Program is one of the best back pain solutions available on the market today. It is a must-buy for anyone who is experiencing back pain as 1000s of customers are already satisfied with the results.